
Listen to your favorite Edge News & Talk shows anywhere you go and anytime you want. This page lists the last two episodes of each podcast.

Edge News

Weeknights from 7-7:30pm.

Sports Corner

Mondays 7:30-8pm with Jacob! All things sports, plus interviews with SUNY New Paltz student athletes.

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The Magnificent Glass Pelican

A WFNP staple for 31 years on Wednesdays from 7:30-8pm!

Playing Mermaids with Alex and Sophia

Thursdays 7:30-8pm with DJ Sophus and Alex!

Mercury in Gatorade

Fridays 7:30-8pm. Tune in and listen to Sen analyze their guest’s star charts, zodiac believers and skeptics alike!

Mollie & Jack

Tuesdays 6-6:30pm. A collaboration between WFNP and the New Paltz Oracle!